In the past, I have often created multiple iterations of prototypes before ever posting any content about it. This project has been raw – you are seeing it as I develop it. The hopeful benefit to that approach is that I am better able to share my thought processes behind each step of the way. That includes showing when I may decide I’ve gone down a wrong road, or at least that there is a better way to do something. While refactoring isn’t necessarily the most fun thing to work on, it is an important part of the process, and I think you’ll enjoy some of the changes I will make.
Reflecting on Dependency
It’s been a little while since I last updated my D20 project series. So, I want to take a moment to “reflect” on the architecture pattern I had been using for managing dependencies. There is a bit of a play on words there, because I had so much fun with “reflection” in my previous post, that I decided to experiment a bit more on how it could be used for a something that feels like auto-injection.