Unofficial Pokemon Board Game – Transitions

The screens we have implemented so far appear and disappear immediately. That looks fine for some screens, but chances are good you will eventually want to add a bit more polish. In this lesson we will implement a couple more screens that animate onto and off of the screen. We will use a couple of different animations, and see how to continue in our flow after the animations complete.

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Accessibility For Blind Users

I have recently been tasked with the implementation of accessibility related to blindness on a few different iOS projects. There is a lot of documentation on this already, but finding it all in one place and getting a “quick” overview of the basic idea were a bit harder to find. Following are the notes I made for myself as well as some tips and gotchas that others might benefit from.

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Unofficial Pokemon Board Game – Data Models

There are several more models we will need to create before we can start even a basic game. Pokemon, Players, and the Game model itself are all a required part of the setup flow. Technically other data models will need to be created during setup as well, but at a minimum to get the game up and running we will need these three. In addition, each of these models will be provided with a factory class to help create and configure them.

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