“We have so much time and so little to do. Strike that, reverse it.” ― Roald Dahl
Godot Tactics RPG – 07. Conversations
7thSage again. Welcome back to part 7 of the Tactics tutorial. This time we’re continuing where we left off with the last lesson and building up our UI. This time we’re adding a system to display dialog.
Continue readingD20 RPG – Perception & Initiative
“I see what you did there.” – source unclear (see what I did there?)
D20 RPG – Saving Throws
I had planned for the next step in creating our hero party to be implementing the hero’s class. However, the class holds several bits of information around mechanics we still need to implement, so we will take a bit of a detour, starting with Saving Throws.
D20 RPG – Backgrounds
“Blacksmithing might be an ancient profession, but you are its cutting edge…” – Alloysmith, Pathfinder
Godot Tactics RPG – 06. Anchored UI
7thSage again. Welcome back to part 6. This time we’ll be working on some scripts to make working with anchor points in code a bit simpler, and allow us to animate some things in our UI.
D20 RPG – Ancestries
“To forget one’s ancestors is to be a brook without a source, a tree without a root.” – Chinese Proverb
Godot Tactics RPG – 05. Pathfinding
It’s me 7thSage again. I’m back again for part 5. Pathfinding. I expect that this is probably the one a lot of you have been waiting for. Some of you may be expecting us to go down the road of A*(read as A Star), instead we’ll be using a simpler, and in this case faster, method. As we need to find all possible tiles a unit can move to, A* quickly bogs down because it is designed to find a single path from point A to B as quickly as it can, but finding a path from A to B-Z is a lot of individual paths. During our search instead of saving multiple paths, we leave trails of breadcrumbs that we can follow back from any tile we later choose.
D20 RPG – Hero Party

“It’s party time, it’s excellent!” – Wayne, Wayne’s World
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D20 RPG – Enemy Pathfinding
“Run Away! Run Away!” – King Arthur and His Knights, Monty Python and the Holy Grail.